Interventional pain therapy with PERCULINE
This gentle treatment is usually performed on an outpatient basis and usually helps to reduce pain quickly. RIWOspine's PERCULINE instruments have been specially developed for interventional pain therapy using precise 4 MHz radiofrequency application.
PERCULINE comprises four different instrument systems for percutaneous or endoscopically controlled denervation of facet and sacroiliac joints or for nucleoplasty of the lumbar spine.

Fields of application
Disctal pathologies
Sacroiliac joint syndrome
Root irritation syndrome
Treatment procedure

RIWOspine's PERCULINE instruments for interventional pain therapy have been specially developed for precise 4MHz radiofrequency application.
Thermal denervation of the vertebral or sacroiliac joints interrupts the transmission of pain signals from the site of origin, i.e. the vertebral joints, to the brain by heating the pain fibres. In this way, the local discomfort can be significantly reduced.
The procedure can easily be performed on an outpatient basis.
Denervation of the facet joint

The small facet joints are surrounded by a dense network of nerve fibres. These are irritated by inflammatory processes that occur, for example, in arthrosis. Direct mechanical irritation can also occur due to instability.
Leading symptoms are back pain or neck pain without significant radiation and without neurological deficits. The pain is directed along the medial branches of the dorsal ramus spinal nerve. The aim of the 4 Mhz radiofrequency denervation is therefore the selective destruction of these nerve fibres in order to permanently interrupt the conduction of pain.
Denervation of the sacroiliac joint